Technical Power Hour

Understand the latest developments and discuss the upcoming changes with Jamf Experts.

Join us on Wednesday 7th August at 10am

Join our Technical Power Hour, with Jamf, will provide a recap on the latest MDM developments and what customers should look out for this fall.

Trams|Econocom and Jamf will be hosting an informative and interactive session where Jamf experts will discuss the latest developments in the world of Apple.

We will use this time to discuss what has changed, how we feel about these updates and answer any questions you may have about your estate.

What will be discussed

The main topics we will discuss are around macOS Sequoia, iPadOS & iOS 18 and Jamf Updates.

Register NOW!

Join an expert panel in Device Management and Jamf, with each person certified upto Jamf 400.


  • Tom Maguire, Technical Lead at Trams|Econocom
  • Perry Driscoll, Senior Technical Consultant at Trams|Econocom
  • Rachelle Noel, Jamf Engineer at Jamf.

Register to attend our event and join us to learn more.

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