BYOD Webinar

Secure your employee devices with Trams|Econocom and Jamf

With Jamf BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and Trams|Econocom expertise in device management, we can help you increase security and save money in the process.

In a world where personal devices have become essential, Jamf Mobile BYOD offers a breakthrough solution to seamlessly integrate personal devices like iPhones or iPads into the work environment.

Many BYOD solutions have been great in concept but flawed in practice. Employees provide the hardware, and organisations provide access, but all too often, devices are either over-managed or the employee is under-served.

Watch our latest webinar for more information on Jamf BYOD and how combined with Trams|Econocom it can improve the security of your workplace.

Jamf Mobile BYOD is designed with the modern workforce in mind. Ready to empower your workforce with Jamf Mobile BYOD?

1. Watch the webinar from security experts Adam Boynton, Jamf and Martijn Gregiore, Trams|Econocom.

2. Download the brochure for more information.

3. Contact your Account Manager for a free trial.

Contact us today for a personalised consultation and demo.

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